Dwarf Korean Lilac – Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’
Smaller growing Lilac that is perfect for landscape beds with limited space. Dwarf Korean Lilac flowers in spring and has good deer resistance. This shrub provides good cover for exposed foundation walls on your home. You can plant burgundy foliage plants like Summer Wine Ninebark to give seasonal interest. You can safely trim lilacs after…
Read MoreGold Mound Spirea – Spirea japonica ‘Goldmound’
One of the best shrubs for foundation plantings in the Hudson Valley. Gold Mound Spirea has vibrant yellow foliage throughout the growing season and creates interest in the landscape. This standout is well suited for the Hudson Valley with good deer resistance and abundant pink flowers in the summer. Gold Mound Spirea is easy to…
Read MoreGold Flame Spirea – Spirea japonica ‘Gold Flame’
Gold Flame Spirea is another nice selection for your landscape foundation plantings. This Spirea features red / yellow foliage and pink flowers in the summer. Most Spirea are deer resistant and if you are looking to create a deer proof garden I would mix spirea with boxwood and dwarf spruce. <back to shrub library
Read MoreLittle Princess Spirea – Spiraea japonica ‘Little Princess’
Cute little pink flowers adorn this easy to care for low growing flowering shrub. Little Princess Spirea flowers in the summer and is deer resistant. Trim after flowering is finished. If you trim in the spring you will be cutting off the flower buds for the season. Check out our pruning guide here. this shrub…
Read MoreDouble Knockout Roses – Rosa x ‘Knockout’
Vibrant color throughout summer into Autumn until the first frost occurs. Double Knockout Roses are an excellent choice for easy to maintain low maintenance roses. Plant these roses in a sunny location and sit back and relax. Knockout roses are disease resistant and you need to cut back dead branches in early spring. Pruning encourages…
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